The unrealistic, the illogical, and the quirky - they're all here.
A widely-held belief that every New Year's Eve is to make New Year's Resolutions - also known as that one thing we promise ourselves that we would do to become better compared to the year that was. The other side of this is that we don't follow through with them and it becomes relegated to the heap of forgotten resolutions we make every single year. Here are some weird resolutions we have heard around Dubai. While some of them are doable and great, some are just waiting for someone to call them out on it for being too unrealistic.
"I'll lose half my weight!"
We understand you're dedicated and all, but not if you're going to risk your health. Don't fall into the trap of losing too much weight. Remember that there is a difference between being fit and being underweight.
"I'm going to be taller!"
No, there's no scientifically-proven way to gain more height. You're pretty much stuck with whatever height you have now.
"I'm going to break a record!"
It can be anything from breaking a personal record or if you really want to go for it, why not a world record? There are loads of bizarre and quirky records out there. You might even try your hand at making one.
"I'm going to learn something new every month!"
Could be anything from a new language, a new hobby, a new recipe you've always wanted to try out, even see a new country. You also come out smarter than you were before. Keep it at monthly unless you have a massive paycheck which can afford lessons or holiday trips every single day.
"I'm going to procrastinate less"
How many more articles on the Internet will you have to read before you're going to get work done?
"I'm leaving social media"
Your number one enemy will be your urge to check in what your friends are up to now and we all know that it takes a huge amount of restraint. Restraint-a lot of people don't have.
"I going to sort out some financial problems"
Start your year off in a good way by sorting out a least one of your financial woes. It could be as simple as paying off a friend you owe some cash or setting aside a segment of your paycheck.
"I'll try to leave Dubai this year"
Then we ask how long he's been here and he resigns to say 12 years.
"I'm trying the different cuisines in Dubai"
Being a multicultural country, Dubai has restaurants for every nationality. Why not try this out and get a new culinary experience all year round in 2017?
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